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Noise FAQs

How do I contact you about airport noise?

If you wish to contact us in respect of aircraft noise, please see our Noise Complaints Policy by clicking below.

Are night flights allowed?

Yes, LBA has been operating flights 24 hours a day since planning permission was granted in 1994.

What do the flight paths look like?

Noise Preferential Routes (NPR’s) are in place for departing jet aircraft and were developed as a performance route to direct departing jet aircraft over the least populated areas.

How is aircraft noise monitored?

Four fixed noise monitors are in place, to measure the noise levels from aircraft and to ensure the airport is operating in compliance with the noise restrictions.

Noise Action Plan

The LBA Noise Action Plan (NAP) brings together all our noise management activities into one living document. This includes specific actions that will be implemented by LBA to manage the effects of noise arising from airport activities, in order to minimise, as far as reasonably practicable, any adverse impact on the local communities surrounding the airport.

Does the airport offer a Noise Insulation Grant Scheme?

The airport has offered two noise insulation grant schemes in the past. The first scheme was associated with the runway extension in 1981 and the second scheme was associated with 24 hour availability in 1994.

Airport services

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